The first edition of the Association’s official communication to its membership, the Haywood Knolls Notes, debuted in 1982. Its signature masthead is an original pen and ink drawing of the stone work at the sub-division’s entrance five miles north of Hendersonville, NC on State Route 191. The design was created by Mrs. Robert (Billie) Miskosky. In making the drawing, she actually counted every stone. For all of the residents, this is the logo of Haywood Knolls – something that sets the community apart from all the other subdivisions in Henderson County.
The Haywood Knolls Entrance was refreshed in June 2016. This refresh also includes Newhall Park, a community park approximately two acres in size, given to the Haywood Knolls Association in 1991 by the original developer Donald Thompson.

In 1979, Donald Thompson, a former school teacher and local developer, first bought the 322 acres of mountain land that was to become our subdivision. At that time, it was the largest tract of land ever bought in the County.

In early 1982, another 65 lots were opened for purchase and home construction. Surry Lane was extended all the way to Oxford Drive (now Arbor Lane). Park Lane to # 217, Deerhaven to #422 and Colony Lane to #312 (Ralph Morris’s home) were opened, although the roads were still dirt.

In October 1982, the first edition of the Haywood Knolls Notes appeared… And by November 1982, the first block captain was designated – Bob and Betty Carroll responsible for “The North.” By December, 1982, the directory had 70 family listings, an increase of 14 listings from June.

The 1984 annual meeting saw 160 resident members in attendance, with 130 homes in the subdivision, another 47% increase from 1983. The Association Board included Liz Craig as President, William Lloyd as Vice President, Charlotte Carmen as Secretary, and Charles Hofacker as Treasurer. Melvin Shaner and Thaddeus Swanke became Directors, and Thomas Hodgman Past President.